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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Apologies, but...

I tried doing open comments, I really did. But people are dumping crap in my blog, kind of like pouring garbage in my window, and I just don't need it. I don't mind disagreement, but I will not have personal attacks. Even on me.

So I had to go to moderated comments. From now on, I'll have to approve every comment that goes up. That's going to slow the pace of discussion, but that's the price for civil conversation, I guess.

I'm sorry, folks.


  1. Sorry to hear that the few are, once again, ruining the fun for the rest of us.

  2. You knew it was bound to have to go this Jay B.'s and Stan H.'s blogs...due to the size and popularity of course. So...look on the bright're popular!

    P.S. Had one of the BEST session brews I've ever come across of recent. Scott's The Bitter End from East End - Pittsburgh. Holy fishpaste is that one killer little hoppy number. 4%~ too.


  3. Since Loren turned this to the Session Project.

    If a beer is less than 5%, you can knock back several and still walk, is it still a session beer if it has a high level of "wow" (in this case the hops)?

  4. You have to be master of your own rec room.

  5. Censoring comments? What's next? Book burning? Sorry indeed.

  6. Is it censoring, or avoiding rudeness that could beget more and more rudeness?

  7. Oh, you bet, Mr. A. Nonymous, this former librarian is going to be first in line to burn books! They're flippin' dangerous!

    Dude, picture it this way. I own a building. My business is in it. Am I going to rent the side of my building to someone who wants to paint "This place SUX!1!!" on it? Hmmmm, let's And if some little rat paints graffiti on it, I'm going to erase it.

    You need to get your metaphors re-calibrated.

  8. the few ruin it for the many - how sad. now i had a very hoppy beer, - Saranac Imperial IPA, 9% alcohol tho. Hoppy bugger, pucker city! all in all tho, i find that IPAs are probably my least favorite beer. Saranac also has a Black Diamond Bock (very tasty) that I guess would be a session beer...or am I wrong?

  9. Bill,
    I can't even keep up with all the Saranacs anymore...which I kinda like, to tell the truth. Not familiar with the Black Diamond Bock, but bock is usually...yup, the Saranac is 6%, kind of over the top for session drinking (you're going to get Stonch in here rampaging around). I heard one guy over on BeerAdvocate raving about a 7% porter as "the ultimate session beer;" I'm starting to wonder if someone didn't get the memo on "session beer."

  10. Moderation in all things...especially the internet.

  11. Even if you didn't have comment moderation, eventually you would find yourself deleting copious amounts of spam messages that love to show up after a blog gets established.

    The anonymous posters who act like everything on the internet is only great because they get to post any outlandish nonsense they can come up with are always my favorite! This is a serious bill of rights issue, someone who is running a website on their own free time for the enjoyment of others isn't allowing it to be filled with lots of crap. The humanity!

  12. Someone once told me, "never post or email something that you are prepared to read aloud in a courtroom." I doubt a lot of posters ever do this. I always irks me when folks think because they can be "anonymous" that they can say whatever they want.

    BTW, great blog. I look forward to coming here often.

  13. Speaking of comments...what do you think of BA's new forum look/style? It takes some getting used to with the "tree" being gone, eh?

  14. I find the new forum style very hard to follow...because I'm an old fart. I guess I'll get used to it. But it favors the flat view over the threaded view...and I always preferred the thread.

  15. Chris,
    Glad you like the blog: anyone who's a fan of Flanders Red is welcome in my "rec room."
