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Saturday, February 17, 2007

More chicken beer: bock, bock, bock

I'm at my bro-in-law Chris's place in Newark, New York (about halfway between Rochester and Syracuse), drinking up that sixtel of Steg Bock I was talking about down below. And let me tell's even better than the bottled stuff. It's chocolatey, rich, and the foam is just excellent. It's not just the bock, either. My other bro-in-law, Curt, who also lives in town, made pastrami. He's a chef. And the pastrami rocks, with mustard or Russian dressing. Yum. We're also dipping into cases of Sly Fox Pils and Dunkel, and that's good too. An all-lager weekend!

Later, it's going to be a session at Parker's, the beer bar in town. And that's really pretty impressive, for a beer bar to be in a town this small. They vary a bit -- good beer selection one month, so-so another -- but they sure as hell have a better selection than most small-town bars. It's spreading, folks, and there's nothing that's going to stop it.

BTW...those of you who are thinking: Session Beer? Bock is session beer? Get stuffed. Session beer is not everything. I've never said anything like that. It's cold, there's two feet of snow on the ground, and I got nowhere to go tonight. Most important, the bock is rockin'. So yeah, I'm drinking a big strong (6.5%, approx.) beer. By the pint. Oh, yeah. I got that answer for you if you're confused. Until further notice, I'm off the air and enjoying my bad old self. Cheers.


  1. Get stuffed? Wow, not very neighborly of you Mr. Bryson! ;-)


  2. Whew. Yeah. Well, all I can say is that it wasn't my neighborhood. The bock sure was good, though, even after we had to thaw it out the next day to finish it.

  3. Y' seemed exceptionally smooth and creamy after thawing. I have been told by brewers that just thawing and re-freezing will make a difference; accentuates some characteristics while dropping others. We finished it with relish, I will tell you that!

  4. What kind of relish didja have, pickle, hot pepper, onion, chow chow!? I wanna know what kinda relish goes best with Bock!

    huh!? oh, nebbermind.


  5. I knew someone was gonna ask that...

  6. Was it extreme relish, or just session relish? ;-)


  7. I'll be in Pittsburgh in 48 hours or so...and I'll be sure and knock back a few St. Nik Bocks in your honor, big guy.

