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Thursday, February 8, 2007

Pennsylvania News: Union Barrel Works nears opening

Union Barrel Works. Tom Rupp. Reamstown. The Straight Stuff.

See, my website is still relevant.


  1. Lew, the opening of UBW is an event that I have been truly looking forward to for a long time. I have never had the opportunity to enjoy his brews when he was at Stoudt's or Neversink, but I understand he is the original lager man and lover of German style brews. I look forward to worshipping at his temple.

  2. Another lager house in PA?

    Awesome. Now to go Mapquest where the hell this place is...


  3. Your website is important, it is, it is...

    On a most tangential tangent (welcome to blogging) has anyone set up a craft brewery based on the Burton union system? I thought once that I would set up a tiny one to home brew my 2.8% session bitter continuously but then I thought I would like to be something other than buzzed at points in my life.

  4. Alan,

    Check it out->

    Not sure how true to the origins it is or remains today but...

    Pretty damn cool I would say.


  5. Neato. All I want is a ten gallon version in the basement with one-gallon jugs linked up, an ingredients hopper at one end and a tap at the other.
