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Friday, February 23, 2007


I attended a meeting in Philadelphia yesterday to initiate planning on a beer event that is completely novel, that could only happen in Philadelphia, that will be huge. Nothing like this has ever been done in America before. Announcement comes next month. This is going to be big.

Okay, a little more specificity on the announcement. You'll get dates and scope and a much better explanation on the afternoon of March 10. Can't do it before then, because important details still need to be slotted in.

Update: we got the go-ahead to present the idea to the next meeting of a very important backer, who thought it was a "great idea." Moving forward.


  1. Gimme some dates so I can plan a trip!!

  2. Coming soon; and you'll want to make reservations.

  3. Teasers are not allowed unless we are talking lap dances....and with you dude, I don't care if it is a 172 lbs you lost, I will pass.

    So talk to us. Are we talking about a Philly Beer Bro?

  4. Lew,

    Isn't there a Philly Beer Fest coming up next month? Without giving too much away, what makes this event you speak of so different from others? A session fest? :)

  5. A teaser is a teaser. Next month is when we make the announcement about a future event. Dream big.

  6. This Segway sort of announcement to be deserves speculation. Is al Qaeda going to call the whole thing off after finally trying a quality west coast double IPA?

  7. A festival with no cover and all the free beer you can drink? Has that ever been done?

    Or how about a beer swap meet - BYOB and walk around trading with people.

    I'm on the edge of my seat here!

  8. and you'll want to make reservations

    I can't make reservations without the proper info! Waaaaahhh!


  9. Does " month..." mean tomorrow ;-) Please?

  10. Something to do Real Ale? Session beers? Both!?! A Major Beer Event in Philly, hmmm, something with a Belgian twist perhaps!?! Arrgh - I can't wait until the 10th! Please just another little tidbit! Please....?

  11. "Please just another little tidbit! Please....?"

    Sure. None of you are thinking big enough.

  12. how about the GABF having an eastern version at the old Navy Yard and its free for everyone who sees your blog? Or even an enormous international beer festival?

  13. You know, I like that GABF East idea.

    But that's not it.

  14. Alright, one more stab then....
    according to some research, Philly was a major hub of brewing.
    That being said....a historic brewery tour of Philly ending at either a beer Mecca (or brewery) where there will be colonial brewing, beer, food, etc...with the twist that it is old recipies, styles, colonial recipies, kinda like the Sam Adams Colonial series.

    Ok, now, I'm going bigger... every beer in the world available for purchase or tasting.

    Even if it isn't the event, it sounds like a good idea anyway.

  15. That first idea, the magical history tour, that's not bad. Might use that. But that's not it.

    The second one's just ridiculous, but I'll admit I kinda drove you to it!

  16. OK, I'll admit the second idea was ridiculous, but it gives me more room to think...after all you did say big and what could be bigger? :)

    You're enjoying watching us squirm...aren't you...? (chuckle)

    Oooo, I'm actually close to that brewery in Chatham, I can't wait to go sample at that pub. YUMMY!!!

  17. Go sample, Bill! Just remember: they're new. Cut 'em some slack for the first three months, that's my standard practice. Hope it's great.

  18. Okay, now that we're proffering guesses. I'm thinking 3/10.....MJ at announcement that UPenn will underwrite, or somehow be involved with the building of a U.S.-based beer history museum. Or perhaps, a Belgian-themed something or another.....seeing Philly's strong ties to Belgian beer in the, maybe not a bad idea even if it's not the surprise announcement. Just brainstorming...must be the Hammer influence tonight :)
