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Friday, May 25, 2007

Rams Head to shut down Annapolis brewery

In a not-so-surprising move, Rams Head Tavern in Annapolis will be removing their gleaming Beraplan brewhouse from their premises to make more room for seating for their very popular musical venue [Possible correction: I've heard from a reasonably reliable source that the tanks are being removed; brewhouse will stay, presumably for decorative purposes]. The brewery, Annapolis's first in modern times and known for their Fordham brand, will hardly be missed, given that Rams Head has the use of the big Southern brewery outside of Wilmington, DE, and now owns 51% of Old Dominion. They hardly have a capacity problem. Sad to see it go, but good fresh local/regional beer continues to flow at all six Rams Head Tavern locations: and that's a good thing. (Thanks to former Rams Head brewer Allen Young (currently at G-B VA Beach) for the news tip.)


  1. And if anyone's wondering why I'm so blasé about the removal of a brewery...let's just say I'm still astounded (not to say dumfounded) by the excess capacity Fordham/Rams Head bought into with the OD deal.

  2. Hey Lew,

    My wife and I will be traveling to Richmond in October, any suggestions for can't miss brewpubs or beer bars on the way? (Coxsackie, NY to Richmond, VA?)

    P.S. You mentioned a looong time ago you were off to Montreal for their beer festival, you still doing it???

  3. Wow, Bill, yeah, I've got suggestions. E-mail me, will you?

    I won't be in Montreal this year, unfortunately; plans are pretty solid for next year, though.
