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Friday, June 1, 2007

Homebrewers and DigiCams

Keystone Homebrewing (in Montgomeryville and Bethlehem, PA) has a new contest: Keystone is Everywhere. They want homebrewers (and homevintners) to get pix of themselves in Keystone t-shirts at a variety of places and events or with a variety of people, and I do mean, a variety: Larry Horwitz, the brewer at Iron Hill North Wales is worth 5 points, 10 points in a Keystone Homebrew an additional 5 points if he's got his brewing boots on. The eponymous Crabby Larry of Crabby Larry's brew pub is worth double if you can get him smiling. Michael Jackson ("either one will do") is worth 15 points, 25 with the Keystone t-shirt (good luck on that one), and 10 extra points if he's got his one white glove on. It's 3 points if you get your picture next to the Pennsylvania state flower (mountain laurel) or tree (eastern hemlock); 10 if you get both in one shot. Prizes include gift certs, discounts, and...a free t-shirt (you'll need a replacement after this).

The full list is here. BTW, before anyone shrieks, I'm not getting any kickback for this. I just thought it was funny.


  1. How can this contest have any validity if there are not points for a picture with Lew Bryson? I mean, seriously.

  2. But Jack...I thought the same thing about the lack of yourself on that list!

    I can only figure it's because we're so frequently seen on the scene that it would be too easy...

  3. For a horrible moment, when I read the title of this post, I thought someone else had come up with the same idea as myself -

    We've set up a webcam inside a fermenting barrel of stout. You can see it here:

    Stonch's Brewcam.

    The camera updates every few minutes. At the end of primary fermentation, we'll post a thirty second clip showing the whole process in just 30 seconds. Cheers

  4. Uh, how did you sterilize the webcam Stonch? :-O


  5. We wiped it down with a tissue soaked in sterilising solution. The we hoped for the best. It doesn't touch the brew so should be fine. After all, some brewers such as Sam Smith's use entirely open fermentation tanks and get away with it every day! We'e not too worried.

  6. Open fermentation isn't uncommon (Anchor does it for their Steam), but you can bet that everything in the vicinity is sterilized. Good luck!

    If nothing else, we'll be able to see right, when the infection takes hold! ;)


  7. Yes, it'll be interesting either way!
