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Monday, June 18, 2007

It's just my life...

Not really anything about beer, or whiskey, or even drinking here, though it's going to turn into that... Apparently a deer got into our backyard sometime last night and crapped all over the place. And didn't Penderyn find it, and delightedly roll himself all through it. He smelled so bad and was so proud...
Nora held him and I scrubbed, and the pup got his first bath (Corgis shed so much they don't need bathed very often), and went right out and tried to do it again! So I got a little hand harrow and a trowel, and went around the yard and picked up about a pound and a half of deer scat. Great way to interrupt an afternoon. So I am ready for a beer!


  1. Lew,

    That is so funny. My Brittany, Lucy, does the same thing. As I live in the country, it happened every day, until I trained her to stop.

    I will also have a beer right now.


  2. So, what beer pairs best with "Deer Fesces Encrusted Corgi in Warm Shampoo Marinara with Hair Clumps"?

  3. Well, guys, as it turned out...I had to drive my son up-county to a party, so I just had a quick Tupper's Hop Pocket Keller Pils, and moved on. Dog sure smells good today!

  4. Mmm, Keller Pils -- any notes on that one?

  5. No, no notes, you greedy booger! It was great, a nice hoppy pils (as Tupper's always is; I think the Pils eclipses the more popular Ale), but I was just calming my nerves.

  6. Greedy? No, I just wondered how the Keller "character" blended with the Pils character.

    The St. Georgen I sampled fresh in Bamberg a few years ago was a little heavier in body than a Pils, but no less delish.

    It's just nice to hear about experimentation that doesn't involve high ABV and/or high alpha acids.

  7. Well..."keller" is not a beer style, per se, it's a presentation, a kind of German equivalent of "cask." NOT an exact equivalent, but the same kind of idea. So you can have keller pils, keller helles, and so on.
    My opinion: fresh keller bier generally tastes hoppier and a bit fuller. I had a 'keller' export at Ayinger, and rate it as among the best lagers I've ever had.

  8. Well..."keller" is not a beer style, per se

    Understood, it's more of a stage in the beer's life. Although, I don't think St. Georgen lists the "style" it's brewed as. I agree, it was a tasty experience.


  9. yeah funny how Shangy has kept Philly bars in the dark about that one. ;P
