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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Finally... Baltic Thunder

I'm going to take Patrick Mullin and Steve German at their word: Baltic Thunder, the Victory-brewed revival of Heavyweight Perkuno's Hammer, will officially launch on January 5th at the Drafting Room in Exton. And not alone, either, it's a veritable Baltic Blizzard of Beer, according to Mullin:
Also pouring on draft that day:
Heavyweight Perkuno's Hammer 2006
Heavyweight Lunacy 2006
Heavyweight Baltus OVS 2006
Victory Abbey 6
Victory Hop Wallop (cask-conditioned)
and perhaps other Victory surprises...

Available in bottles (while supplies last):
Victory Baltic Thunder
Heavyweight Biere d' Art
Heavyweight Black Ocean
Heavyweight Doug's Colonial
Heavyweight Jakeldricka
Heavyweight Slice of Bread

No admission, pay as you go. The kegs will be tapped at noon and will continue to flow until they're gone. There should be plenty of Thunder to last through the weekend. Bill Covaleski will be in attendance, and I have contacted Tom & Peggy with the hope that they will be able to join us as well.

Well. I suggest to all of you that you get as much of this as possible, because the lagering on this batch will probably never be repeated!


  1. Woo-hoo! I wish I could be there! Will other states that sell Victory get any of the Baltic Thunder bottles?

    I tell you, I've wanted to try Perkuno's Hammer/Baltic Thunder since I first discovered Baltic Porters. I think it was your rave reviews that got me interested!

  2. Lew, any word on the distribution? Exton is not in the cards any time soon...
    Thanks for the good news!

  3. Nothing on distribution: I'll ask and let you know.

  4. There is currently 400-bbls of BT that have been brewed and laggered. A significant portion will be bottled in capped 22-oz "bombers" and the remainder kegged. Since the plans are to brew it year round, it is my understanding that it should be ultimately available to all Victory distributors.

  5. Thanks Richard (and Lew) for the update. I will listen for the "Thunders" arrival in DE.

  6. Will they be selling that at the brewery, I wonder, on Jan 5th, or perhaps even Jan 4th, ever so discreetly? I want one case. I'm not a greedy guy. Just one.

  7. There will be a simultaneous official release at both TDR and Victory on 1/5/08. Cases of BT will be available at the brewpub on 1/5/08. The distributors will start receiving it on 1/7/08.


    Hope it doesn't suck.

