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Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day

We've got three inches so far, and it's still coming down; supposed to change over to freezing rain, but there are some indications that the predictions may be off on when and where that will I still have hope for more snow. Meanwhile, there's strong coffee in the pot, school's been called off, I've got a couple interviews scheduled for this morning and then just some short pieces to write this afternoon...looks like a nice day to spend some time with the dog.

And tomorrow...who knows? Might have to go relax somewhere. It's been a rough week, for personal reasons, and I think we need some down time. Meanwhile, it's always fun to watch a Corgi in the snow.


  1. 3 inches and no school? I thought you lived in Philly, not D.C! ;-)

  2. Heh. Guilty. I think it was the predicted freezing rain that scared them off. Last batch we got of that was pretty nasty.

  3. Snow Frapping I bet.

  4. You bet, bill, just laid some frappin' tracks down!

  5. 9 (more) inches predicted here in N. Illinois over night -- send the pup our way for more fun!!
