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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Me and Sam Adams: looking good

Thanks to Stan Hieronymus, who sent me this link to a Reuters report on how Boston Beer blew away analysts' predictions for profits last quarter.

He sent me the link because of this piece I wrote for Portfolio, in which I took a look at Boston Beer's prospects and concluded that "Boston Beer looks pretty good." The market, I said, had it all wrong. Today, looking at that Reuters story, I'm feeling pretty good. Validated. Probably not as good as Jim Koch feels, though.


  1. So that is why. I got an email from a NY financial analyst asking about them. I thought that was weird. Consider that, too, when planning your retirement investments in terms of where the advice is ultimately sourced.

  2. I think every beer writer got that email...Now it certainly makes more sense.

  3. I made a nice chunk of change on SAM today. Thanks for the tip Lou! You're a regular Jim Cramer.

  4. Damn, today sure was a good day to be owning SAM, hrb. Good for you. I've asked my own financial manager to keep us out of booze stocks: don't want to have any conflicts of interest.

  5. I finally had a chance to sample the Sam Irish Red after your rousing appraisal and am jumping on to that band wagon -- it's terrific.

    BBC certainly has stuck to their guns in offering us some great beers and not caving to the mundane. Guess their success is proof in the pudding.

  6. Glad you liked it, Steve. I'm thinking about getting some for the weekend...but I'm also looking at all the damned beer I already have, and thinking it might be a good idea to just drink up.
