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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What I like about you...

I've got a new poll up on my "Why the PLCB Should be Abolished" blog:

"What I like most about the PLCB."

No, really. There's gotta be something, right? Go vote.


  1. Nice! Yer a friggin' genius! No seriously. Its time for things to change. My vote is in.

    'course governments over the world have been involved in controlling alcohol since the middle ages. I say its about time for a change. Surely we can make some small changes here in PA.

  2. My favorite thing is LC Bee...not an option.

  3. Wow, Rich: I was going to put LC Bee in as that "educating the kids" choice, but I figured no one but me had ever heard of the damned thing!

  4. What I like about PLCB is that it makes Oklahoma liquor laws seem almost 20th Century!

    Bob R in OKC
