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Sunday, September 21, 2008

While I have a moment...

My connecting flight to Chicago from Louisville got cancelled, and the Ryder Cup had all the other outbound flights jammed. Damn all golf, anyway. Everyone in front of me was screaming, and I just asked, "Is there any way to get to Philly today, or should I just rent a car?" And the woman asked me how flexible I was, and I said, try me.

She put me in a cab to Cincinnati, with a flight from there to O'Hare, and then to Philly. Had a real nice ride up with a talkative and fun cabbie, who told me he once took a V8 engine to Phoenix for the airlines, a $2700 fare. And I got in, and got checked in, and here I am with a tall, fresh glass of Sam Adams Oktoberfest. The day's getting better.

Hats off to American Airlines: not only did I catch my 35-minute connection at O'Hare, so did my luggage, and we landed 20 minutes early in Philly...with all the bourbon in my suitcase intact. Thanks, American!


  1. Hey Lew, what did you think of the SA Oktoberfest? I had a 1/6 keg at a party last weekend and found a lot of converts to SA's Oktoberfest.

    Personally, I enjoy it.

    Its not Spaten, but does that really matter?

  2. You mean a cab to Hebron, Ky (my brother lives there, and it's where I once got Danny Glover's autograph while awaiting a connecting flight).

    Anyway, I feel your pain. Several years ago I got stranded by Delta in Nashville, with the airline wanting to load us on a replacement jet to Atlanta then Louisville, and their reps telling me there was no way I could drive a rental and beat the replacement jet to Lou-uh-vull. Straight shot on I-65; guess again Delta.

    And here I sit, sipping some Uno's Oktoberfest, after some Ramstein O-fest. Mike Sella (Uno brewer) did a great job with this; and Ramstein, well, they decoct, and as Robert Frost wrote "... that has made all the difference."

  3. Hebron? I thought it was Covington!

    O-fest season, baby!

  4. Bill, That's pretty much how I felt. I've had SA some years that just tasted really sweet: this was not thin like that. Good beer.
