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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Busy week

Sorry I've been absent, it's been a busy week.

Monday afternoon Cathy and I trained up to NYC for WhiskyFest prep; we had dinner with the Malt Advocate staff at Union Square Cafe (great food; pretty lame beer list, guys) and then went down to dba for beers.

Tuesday we had breakfast with Thomas's godfather (he works in Manhattan) and got some stuff at M&M World on Times Square; helped set up WhiskyFest, and then from 3 to 10:30, it was presenting the world's best whiskeys at the Marriott Marquis (I made sure to sample some more this time, and I'll tell you about them when I get a moment, including the new Swedish Mackmyra), followed by Unibroue and whiskies in the magazine suite.

Wednesday we came home, reassured Penderyn that we really did still love him, and after some quick phone interviews, I went down to the Philadelphia Whiskey Festival. My first time, beautiful venue...but it ain't WhiskyFest, brother.

Thursday I worked pretty much non-stop on my Ale Street column and my next Massachusetts Beverage Biz story (had a singing rehearsal in the evening).

Friday I finished the MBB story at 12:45 and left at 1:40 for The Lion, where I got a tour, and attended the regional MBAA meeting (they've invited me a number of times, this was the first one I could make; hell, I might join); heard Dave Edgar from HopUnion talk on the hop outlook (good, mostly; more later) and a presentation on filtration pads, all in The Lion's newly refurbished taproom -- looking good! Then I slipped west for a couple short ones at One Guy -- damn, Berwick really likes the place!

Today...I've got my errands done, and I'm headed for Iron Hill Newark for the Black & Tan Cask event, then going out for dinner with friends tonight.

Whew... I hope to post something more substantial on all this soon. I thought November was going to be a bit slower!


  1. re: "Sorry I've been absent"

    In a manner, my blog has developed its own reality. When I haven't tended to it, I feel guilty.

    Blog guilt! Who knew?

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I feel terrible!

  3. Nice to meet you today. Interesting selection at Iron Hill but a bit of a disappointment. I spent most of the afternoon with an Alt in front of me which was very nice. What are your opinions?

    God save the Queen.

  4. Missed you by a day at One Guy Lew. Wow what a great Pils, every town should have a brewery like that!

  5. Nice to meet you, Bill. I really liked the Rock Bottom IPA, loved how the Nodding Head BPA tasted on cask, thought the Sly Fox Oatmeal Stout was pretty slick stuff, enjoyed the Triumph IPA and the Flying Fish XPA, and thought the gruit from EB+B was one of the better gruits I've had.
    On the down side...Americans have to stop putting up with cask events that don't allow the beer to settle into bright condition. I know it's hard to get casks set up ahead of time and let things drop, but maybe we shouldn't do it if we can't do it right.

  6. Really glad to see Berwick taking to One Guy. He's so busy he may be One And A Half Guy soon, I hear. Wowzers.
