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Monday, November 24, 2008

Not feeling well

Not looking for sympathy, but just to let you know not to expect many postings for a while...I feel like crap. Woke up Sunday with a wicked sore throat, woke up this morning with a galloping head cold. Wheezy, tired, and hot. Hell, I might have the flu. In any case, I'm not drinking beer, and I can barely taste the whisky. I hate illness.


  1. I like some brandy in a mug of hot coccoa, that will make you sleep. if not there's always the hot toddy my mom gives whomever's sivk. A little hot water with your choice of spirit, honey, lemon and a tea bag. Not too much water , you don't want to dilute the good stuff. Drink it as fast as you can and go to bed to sleep/sweat it off.

    You'll feel better in the morning.

  2. You'll have this when you go pulling beets and chopping broccoli in your dickie pants!

  3. Believe me, cold as it was out there, those pants did not look dickie on me!

  4. 90 minutes of chopping broccoli and pulling beets in 33° breeziness had put what on you?

    Bleah, hope you feel better before the feasting begins!

  5. about 36,000 people die from the flu EACH YEAR. Get your flu vaccination, if you dont save yourself you may be saving a youngster or oldster that you pass the virus on to.

  6. As foul as it tastes, just hit some nyquil before sleep. God, that stuff is vile, and gives you that weird half-float, half-speed feeling, but it does tone down the flulike symptoms some so you can sleep.

  7. My best advice, take a shot of NyQuil, and 3 Stormkings . . . . IF you wake up you will be fine.
