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Monday, December 22, 2008

Official: Local 44 to open on New Year's Day

Just got an e-mail from the folks at Local 44 (who are, of course, also the folks at Memphis Taproom):

"Thursday night...January 5pm... Local 44 will open its doors for business."

Twenty taps, a bunch of whisky, sneak menu previews (the kitchen opens for real on Friday the 2nd), and the atmo of being hard-core: "As Art Etchells recently pointed out to us: When you drink on New Years Day, you drink with the pros.We couldn't have said it better ourselves."

They'll be open daily from 11:30am to 2am (kitchen until Midnight), seven days a week.

Local 44 is located at: 4333 Spruce Street (Corner of 44th & Spruce),Philadelphia.

I may have to cut the pork and sauerkraut a bit short and head on down, because...I am a pro.


  1. I hope to join you; one of my old hangouts whe n I lived off-campus back in the late 70s. And I need to return to the pro ranks.

  2. Wasn't this Murphy's Tavern back in the day?

  3. Murphy's it was and a great bar it was too.

  4. Wish I had the money to open one, no wait TWO, awesome beer bars. Sigh...

  5. IJ,

    I believe silent partners are involved, and a lot of sweat equity, and the confidence to open in neighborhoods others avoid... And some real talent and boundless energy. One thing that's not involved is a lot of cash.

  6. Thanks for the post about the opening Lew! Can't WAIT to see you right on the heels of your sauerkraut meal! (Yikes.) I am also writing to tell you that the 'boundless' energies are gone and what I've tapped into now is the pure power of insanity, insomnia and the crazy high of scrubbing toilets not cleaned since the early 80s instead of celebrating the Christmas season with normal society. Be jealous peeps, be very very jealous! (Kidding, Merry Christmas...) Leigh
