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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Consider it a public service

I really don't have much else to add to this. Except to mention the name: Cave Creek Chili Beer. In case you were Googling it to see what people think of it. I think you have your answer.


  1. Had it 20 yrs ago, never got through the first bottle, never went back to it, thankfully 20 yrs of quality "beer therapy" have taught me how to deal with previous traumatic life experiences. Interesting how you deal with such things, in this case, I approve 100%

  2. "Had it 20 yrs ago"

    That statement alone says quite a bit about what is wrong and right with America. The fact someone is feeding his family making this beer shows what is right. The fact that this garbage can last 20 years shows what is wrong.

  3. Haha. That's one of the beers we gave to an employee as a joke for their birthday. The Smirnoff Green Apple Ice and Twisted Green Tea were the others. The Cave Creek Chili beer is still unopened. We are too scared to try it.

  4. Well, Steve, now you know what to do with it!

  5. I'm thinking of using a trebuchet to launch it at City Hall as a protest for closing the libraries. But we might be able to hit Casey Hughes from our roof....

  6. For what it's worth, my new Cave Creek is DFH Palo Santo Marron. Had one bottle, thought it was interesting at first, then it became overwhelming, and I found that I couldn't finish even that one bottle.

    An exact replication of my Cave Creek experience from "20 yrs ago."

  7. Wow. I really like that stuff. Well, hey, that's what I love about craft brew: variety. Always more choices. Which is why I enjoyed some Yards Brawler last night.

  8. Gawd, I had that stuff too ages ago and it was pretty miserable.

    One question tho, does that series of pics constitute alcohol abuse?

  9. Lew:

    I had this "stuff" (I was going to use another word that started with an "s", but I realize this is a family blog) at least 14 years ago when I lived in the Syracuse area. I'm amazed they still make it. Three of us could not finish a bottle.

    I must say, however, that I'm a little bit concerned by your display of violence. It almost looks like a cross between Eliot Ness and Carry Nation. I'll right this off to Eagle Fever.


  10. OK...bad or good I would like to at least try it. Please, Lew, the beer is innocent...don't take it out on the beer. foul!

  11. Ordinarily, Rich, I'd agree with you. In this case, all I can say is this:

    " foul!"

    Yes, it certainly is.
