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Monday, January 26, 2009

A Graceful Concession

I see that I've lost the New York Senate race -- er, game; no, I mean, Blagojevichery -- wait, that is, I'm not going to be selected as the new Senator from New York to replace Hillary Clinton. Governor Paterson selected Kirsten Gillibrand, a U.S. Representative from New York's 20th District, an oddly gerrymandered piece of political real estate that manages to include parts of the Adirondacks and the Catskills -- and a good stretch of the Hudson Valley -- while avoiding Albany.

I regret disappointing those who supported me -- thanks, Mom, Cathy, Bill...yeah, that's about it -- and I regret that I will not be able to serve my adopted state in the Senate; come to think of it, I'll probably just stick those adoption papers in a drawer. But I applaud Governor Paterson's selection as a fine piece of environmentalism (not to say conservation, which might be taken wrong). Gillibrand is a fiscally conservative Democrat, and not a supporter of gun control: a Blue Dog Democrat, as it were. He's obviously doing his bit to keep such phenomena from extinction.

Interesting times. I'll have to look for another opportunity to become The Senator From Beer. I'm sure something will come along.


  1. Lew, while I'm actually quite satisfied with Gov. Paterson's selection on Ms. Gillibrand (Upstate, baby!), I can't say that I'm not a little disappointed you didn't get the nod. Perhaps if you'd thrown your hat into the ring just a bit sooner...

  2. No Senate Soup for you!

  3. I must admit: I am disappointed with myself for not having realized earlier how right this would have been for me. Oh, the lost service opportunity...

  4. In 10 years, she'll have more facial hair than you


  5. The age of major politicians with beards is over my friend.
