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Friday, January 9, 2009

Otter Creek World Tour: don't get me wrong...

Just got the latest press release from Otter Creek, and ran down through it, checking the headers (their press person, the very helpful Kate Corrigan, always pulls out the important stuff, a good practice)...Ski deal (yeah, it's Vermont, like that does anything for me, no news), Wolaver's newest organic, Pat Leavy's All-American (huh, kind of interesting, they got an Oregon farmer to grow organic hops. Cool), new Otter Creek Imperial Series (oh, yeah, like Mister Session Beer's gonna talk about that!), Mud Bock brewing again (cool, an old OC fave returns), and the Spring seasonal Kölsch...

Hey. Wait a minute... No new World Tour beer? Say it ain't so! I know I didn't like the last one that much, but the Otter Creek World Tour was a brilliant idea and there were a lot of well-executed beers there! I hit Reply and asked Kate what the hell was up with this!

Heh. Should have actually read the damned press release. The Mud Bock marks the homecoming tour of the Otter: America's part of the world, after all. This year will be all American styles, and that could be fun, too. You can go to their website and "Vote for the Next Beer." I voted for Cream Ale, just to piss off all you hopheads.


  1. +1 on the cream ale.

    I have brewed this before and it is a very nice beer. Could be downgraded a bit to a session beer, maybe I'll give it a shot.

  2. Lew, I just picked up Otteroo, an Australian Sparkling Ale on the World Tour.

    BTW It wasn't bad.

  3. They need to bring back the Hickory Smoked Amber Ale they used to make. Liquid bacon. MMM!
