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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

80 Years at Victory

We celebrated my father's 80th birthday at Victory on Sunday. We had reserved the corner table, under the brewkettle (which has a kind of 'Cone of Silence' effect, only it worked: we could hear each other pretty clearly, while most of the outside noise was blocked). Cathy and the kids and I got there a bit early, and I immediately ordered an Uncle Teddy's Bitter, which was nicely conditioned and fresh as an impertinent sophomore. Cathy got a Three Ring Ale, which I've been told is a Ballantine Ale homage. It was light and crisp, with some hoppy zip to it, but both of us preferred the Uncle Teddy's.

After everyone else arrived -- including my dad -- we ordered lunch and got more beers. My mother got a Wies'n, which was 'right on the edge' for her, she likes a maltier beer; my uncle Don got a Donnybrook that seemed to please him, and I got a Dark Lager, which was pouring nicely, a great dunkel. I went old school and got the smokehouse burger, which shaved off my appetite quite nicely.

I had another Uncle Teddy's to fill in the empty spaces, then got a cup of coffee to go with the cake. Victory's catering chef had promised me that her pastry chef could make anything we wanted, and we got a spice cake with caramel icing for my Pennsylvania Dutch dad. It was huge, and very nicely done, a delicious and authentic cake. My dad loved it.

It was a nice afternoon with the extended family, and the beer and food were perfect. Thanks to staying low on the alcohol level, I was in control of all my faculties and aimed the Passat eastward, but with a warm day and the big was a job staying awake on the way home. Now I'm 50 and my dad's 80; Cathy and I will mark our 20th anniversary in December, rounding out this year of family landmarks, all cause for joy and celebration. I wish you all a similarly happy year; the travails of the economy have brought us to cherish family, health, and friendship even more.


  1. It's DEFINITELY 3 ring time! Cathy you are a woman after my own heart.

  2. Lew, it was great to see you, Kathy and your family. I enjoyed meeting your father and all your family members. You got a great family, thanks for the beer and I am glad you all enjoyed yourself.

    Cheers - Richard

    P.S. I am also glad to hear Cathy enjoyed the 3-Ring. It is definitely the new, popular, session beer at Victory....all those lovely Cascade hops. It is wonderful stuff.

  3. Congrats on your father's birthday and good times with family! My wife and I both loved the Uncle Teddy's Bitter we had a few weeks ago at Victory and were, um, bitterly disappointed we couldn't find it in bottles at our local distributor. Also, we both enjoyed your Session Beer presentation at the Tied House.

  4. Thanks, Tony! Yeah, Teddy's... I'm not sure it would translate well to bottle. But I sure do love drinking it on cask in the glass.

    Glad you liked the Session Beer presentation; you coming to the Kennett ConnoSession in October?

  5. When I first saw the headline I thought you waited 80 years to get served at Victory. And I would not have been surprised. Congrats on all the milestones in the family.

  6. You notice I didn't comment on the service -- which was excellent -- because I Heisenberged it: I screwed up the observation by becoming involved. But it was good.

  7. Lew, yes, I am planning to go to Kennett Square and Newtown this year (never been to either). That would be my first connoisseur tasting as well. Not that I am one, but maybe it'll help. :-)

  8. Hi, I'm the pastry chef at Victory and I'm glad to hear that your dad liked my cake. I was hoping it was what you wanted:=)

  9. It was just what he wanted, he was still talking about it a week later. You did a great job, thanks!
