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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Me, blathering about Philadelphia/Main Line beer

Forgot all about this interview I did with Main Line Today, but it's up on the Web. Pretty much sums up my thoughts on beer around here; pay particular attention to the closer. Interesting times coming.


  1. Lew, some harsh words at the bottom of the article from an unidentified reader. I'm all for expressing opinions, but he takes things a bit personally, doesn't he? Just wanted to go on record as saying, I appreciate what you bring to the table here, for what that matters........

  2. Looks like my looney cyberstalker, the brave Ms. Anonymous. Funny how the article is sub-titled "The Main Line’s own 2008 Michael Jackson Beer Journalism Award winner," and the comment says "... find yourself a credible beer writer. Lew Bryson is a joke in the beer world." Yeah. Afraid to put their name out there, and stupid.
