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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Things That Suck II

Things suck again.

I won't be going to the Iron Hill Media fest this weekend; too much crap to do.

Somebody -- won't say who -- sucked down way too much of a really nice bottle of whisky -- won't say which -- without even noticing how nice it was. Cretin.

Miller Chill.

Maud's away overnight, getting 'the dog operation' at the vet.

There are still no bars within walking distance of my house.

It's raining. Again.

There is no brewpub in Newtown. But there is an Applebee's. Jesus wept.

Pennsylvania is finally non-smoking in bars, but there are way too many loopholes.

The PLCB still runs all booze in Pennsylvania, despite my best efforts.

Pollen hates me and wants to make me sick.

My computer's back, but I'm going to spend all day re-loading shite on it (You were right, Amy, damn you!), a process that's taking so long I'm here pissing and moaning.

I need a new phone, and no phone on the market has everything I want...and I don't really want that much.

I fell off Weight Watchers, and can't summon the will to go back. My problem, I know.

One good thing: Maud comes home in half an hour. Which will probably make the other things recede a bit. I miss my little dog.



    I fell off WW, too, but just joined a "Biggest Loser" group at work. $500 on the line, and I've lost 11.5 in the first two weeks. Too fast, I know, but it's better than gaining.

    You know you don't HAVE to go back to WW, just start to do what you know you have to. More water. Less sausage and more salad. I've eaten a lot of lettuce lately.

    Good luck!

  2. Swine flu? You know anyone who has it? I thought that was the latest effort by the government to keep us dazed and confused.

  3. Letuce? Rabits! Mmm, meat. Hey, I heard since this swine flu craziness that pork is really cheap these days. I think I'm gonna stock up on BACON!

    No, I don't know anyone with swine's coming...wait for it, WAIT for IT.

    OK, we've come full circle, close the comments.

  4. yeah know from experience Lew it is a tuff gig. my adivce is walk the dogs more(not that hard) and try to control portion size (that is the tuff one for m )

  5. Free the Hops has passed the Senate in Alabama, merely awaiting the governor's signature to allow beer of up to 13.9% abv.

  6. You. Poor. Bastard.

    The world is at your feet practically every day, and you're whining.

    Jesus wept. But he didn't whine.

    Remember, you could have MY life.

  7. diets dont work. Eat what you want but just eat less of it.

    It doesn't sell books but it is the truth.

  8. Hey Lew, I just turned 40 and all of the sudden my health has turned to shit. I feel your pain, brother.

  9. A Mr. Jack Curtin suggested I leave good Karma wishes for you. Consider it done. I know how you feel about beer places within walking distance. The nearest brewery to me is almost an entire 5 minute walk. (Boundary Bay Brewpub. Free Plug) Sucks to be like this but what can you do? Best of luck with the WW thing, I've been dieting for over 3 years and it does seem a never ending process. Especially when I gain and lose the same 6 pounds over and over.

  10. I gotta tell ya my day sucked hard too. I don't wish this feeling on anybody.

    Tomorrow's another day.

    I am gonna treat myself to a 4% Belgian Pale Ale homebrew tonight. I deserve it.

  11. Really nice bottle of whisky? That wasn't a Laphroaig 25 yr. old, was it?

  12. What's going on with your grass?

  13. No, it wasn't the Laphroaig, thank God!

    The grass...was back in late March, when it was still getting over being winterized. It was lush and about a foot high when I cut it Wednesday...another thing that sucked.

  14. Hey Lew, remember we statistics out here?

    Just received my last "pay continuence" check -- I'm officially unemployed. I'd feel for yeh, but...

    Then again, I have my health, a good woman, driving talent, and a 12 pack of Goose Island Summertime waiting for Friday evening -- things could be much worse.

  15. Well, okay. I am employed, Cathy is employed. We're all healthy. My dad's cancer looks hopeful. The PLCB is screwing themselves blind with really questionable initiatives.

    Bah. Perspective. Takes the winds from my sails. Hope they fill yours.

  16. "Takes the winds from my sails."Sails of despair? Down the river Styx?

    You need a beer, c'mon - be happy.

    I'll teach you to be happy...

  17. whats the name of that mustard your always saying is so good ??? and do they sell it in new york ???

  18. I like a lot of mustards, I don't know! Sorry. Temeraire is good. I like Plochman's for a yellow mustard. Coleman's is pricey but excellent. Silver Spring is good. If it's the Canadian mustard, though, that's Kozlik's, and they have a great variety (they ship, too).

  19. Lew,
    You may not have a brewpub, but you do have Isaac Newton's. That's gotta be worth something.
    Buck up.

  20. Kelchner's horseradish mustard, I say, which is tough to find here. Their horseradish and tartar sauce is everywhere, but the mustard...

  21. I dunno...Isaac's has a great beer selection, and I like the bartenders, and some people I know hang out there, but it's just never connected with me. I don't feel comfortable hanging out there. I'm not even sure why.

    I didn't even know Kelchner's MADE a horseradish mustard! They're just up the road about 25 minutes, might stop by. Thanks!

  22. You're allowed to lose perspective and vent every now and then. Or, you can be like me and do it each and every day!

  23. thank you for the mustard list . also thanks to the guy who said kelchers. now i just have to find them . have you ever had the mustard that saranac beer makes ???

  24. No! I didn't know there was Saranac mustard. I'll have to look next time I'm up. Thanks.

  25. Hey, I think your mustard awareness-deprived condition sucks, too!

    I'd split a case of Kelchner's with you if you made it up there!

  26. Just got a jar tonight, Sam (at a butcher/deli place in Levittown, 'The Meat Store'), and you're right, it's the cat's nuts. If you want six jars or so, I'll see if I can get 'em and ship 'em.
