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Friday, August 28, 2009

Boston today

If you've been wondering what's been going on with my New England vacation...well, it's been a vacation. After a great breakfast at the Roadhouse Wednesday morning, we drove over to Worcester, where we toured Clark University and Holy Cross College on a beautifully breezy sunny day. We then headed up the road to our motel in Bedford, surrounded by piney woods and swamps. We off-loaded, rested a bit, and then went up to Woodman's in Essex for fried clams (which Woodman's claims to have invented in 1916, and they were quite good), lobster, and all that jazz. We walked the scenic harborside in Gloucester, drove along the seaside towns, and then, really, stopped to see GI Joe on the way back. Hey, it's summer vacation! No movie reviews on STAG.

Yesterday the family slept late (I went out and got some ice, drinks, and washer fluid for the car, cleaned it up a bit). Around 11 AM we headed south, and spent the rest of the day in Rhode Island. We had lunch at Aunt Carrie's in Point Judith (very good clam cakes, good lobster, and Cathy and I split an Indian pudding and a slice of custard pie...which I'd never had or heard of before. Good, with an odd smoky tang to it. We did a little walking around in Newport (I ducked into Busker's and got a cask pint of Shipyard IPA), then went back to Bedford. brewpubs, and only one bar. We did have some Smutty IPA out of our cooler with lunch at Aunt Carrie's. But today we go into Boston, and I suspect it might get a bit beery, although we do have one last tour: BU at 3 PM.


  1. Cambridge Brewing, I say to you!

  2. Very high on the short list, Sam; the one brewpub I intend to get to.

  3. Tough to's behind an Irish pub in a kind of non-retail, office building part of the city. Great stuff, though!

  4. (semi shameless plug)

    BTW Lew, Smuttynose is coming to Pittsburgh. It will be here in October by Vecenie Dist. All these years in Philly and now it's on to Da Burgh.
