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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Got a package...

InBud sent me two packages recently. I got the same one Uncle Jack did (and I ask the same question), and I also got some bottles of the new Bud Light Golden Wheat. I shall approach it with an open mind, as I always try to do. But as I tore my way through armor-plate level bubblewrap and tape, cursing and yanking, I couldn't help thinking...guys, come on. It's Bud Light. If it breaks, you'll just make more, right? When I get a sample of really great whiskey (and I've got a 25 year old Rittenhouse Rye I'm getting to real soon here), okay, seal it in steel lined with gel-packs. There is no more of it. But this is overkill.

God, I'm bitchy today. I need a Guinness.


  1. I saw the Bud Light Golden Wheat at the store and thought Armageddon was upon us. I guess it's a testament to the craft beer movement that InBud was moved to make such a thing.

  2. I do not think it is so bad that Inbud makes these "craft" type beers. What I do think is rediculous is the price they charge for it. If I am going to buy anything Bud it would be to save a little money. Hey we can't eat filet and crabs every night! But, they usually charge almost as much as local craft brewers. I won't choose fish sticks and round steak over fillet and crabs if the price is the same! Sorry if I made anyone hungry.

  3. But that's why they're making them, Marc! They see the margins on craft beers, and they lust for them. Nothing's worked so far...except Bud Light Lime (believe it or not), so they're going to throw a LOT at that particular wall in hopes that something sticks.

    And not say "crabs" and then offer a lame "Sorry if I made anyone hungry." Of course you did!

  4. Someone has to pay all of those madison avenue bills for budweiser, why not the consumer? sports commercials aint cheap.

    bud has never been a bargain in my book, look to the old regionals if you can still find any for the bargains.

  5. Thankfully Peter PA still has a few regionals that will always get my money before Bud...Struab, Yuengling, Iron City, Lions Head!
