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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Honors to Greg Noonan

Commercial and homebrewing pioneer Greg Noonan died late Saturday. Noonan wrote the very influential homebrewing guide Brewing Lager Beer (1986, updated in 2003) and opened Vermont's first brewpub in 1988. More importantly, he guided and inspired many brewers.

I never met Greg Noonan, and I consider that my loss, my great loss. He was one of the first in the field in America. Stan Hieronymus has written a tribute here.


  1. Very sad news. I'll have to track down a Scotch Ale in his honor tonight.

  2. Very sad news! I met Greg at a Bluebonnet Brewoff in Dallas a few years back where he was the guest speaker. Very friendly and approachable, he spent an evening drinking mead with our club. He was a real brewing pioneer and heckuva nice guy. He will be missed!
