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Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy birthday, Nodding Head

Sigh... I'm missing the Nodding Head 10th anniversary celebration tonight. Wanted to go, just wound up with too much to do here at home. I remember the opening party for Nodding Head, back when we were all 10 years younger. The beers...were not huge, were not "really hoppy," and people were disappointed. No getting around it. And we were vocal about it. Jerks. Because Nodding Head proceeded to make that kind of beer formulation work like a wonder, selling every pint they could squeeze out of their system.

And now they're all grown up. Wish they'd been able to pull off that production facility they were talking about a few years ago, but Nodding Head's done just fine; pretty damned well, after all. Congratulations to current brewer Gordon Grubb, and to the man who drives the bus, Curt Decker. Wish I coulda made it to tell you in person.


  1. It's also the 13th anniversary of Selin's Grove Brewing in Selinsgrove, just in case you've forgotten.............

  2. Already regretted it on Facebook. I've been at SGBC on Solstice twice; be nice to be there every year!

  3. I was at Nodding Head for the first time last June when I spent some time in Philly for a conference. I have to say it made me blink... Good beer that didn't hit you over the head. (How can you not love the grog?) I WAS one of those guys in many regards, but I wouldn't say I was a die hard big beer guy. Nodding head really opened my eyes though and since then I have found myself trying more and more lower octane craft beers and loving every second of it. Don't get me wrong, I haven't turned my back on the others, but it did make me realize that good craft beer doesn't have to be BIG. I atribute that to my visit to Nodding Head and my close proximity to One Guy's place in berwick.
