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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yes, it snowed here

Looks like we wound up with about 18" of new stuff Tuesday night and Wednesday, on top of about 10" left from the weekend (we got about 15" in that storm and it melted and settled down about 5" since Saturday).
First snowfall was wet and heavy, about 6"; we shoveled that Wednesday morning, and then there was just some spitty sleet till about noon. I drove into Newtown, roads weren't too bad; looked around a bit, had a Pretty Things Baby Tree at Isaac Newton's, then went home and "avoided travel" as the State Police started to advise.

That's when the snow started again, and by about 3 we were getting almost 2" an hour. First branches broke off the pine trees around 4; I'd been shaking them, but couldn't keep up (I was getting out there using the paths Penderyn had made through the snow!). We lost power for about a minute around 6:00 and got nervous, but that was all that happened. (Over 100,000 are out of power in the area.) Cathy thinks it's because we live across the street from the hospital. The snow pretty much petered out around 9:00. About 10:00 there was a sound like a gunshot out back; I think that's when the big branch broke off the pine; there was a 6" one down this morning without much snow drifted over it.

We shoveled for about an hour this morning to get the driveway clear (our neighbor did the sidewalks with his snowblower; gotta get him a sixpack!), and I made the mistake of taking the Jetta out to get the snow off it out in the road...didn't I get it stuck just as the ambulance that had been sitting down the street for half an hour wanted to leave? Yes, I did.

Panic ensues, shovels fly, Cathy remembered a bag of sand in the garage, and I managed to get it up the street into a clear driveway I'd seen when I was out taking pictures at sunrise. I left it there, the ambulance left, we shoveled the driveway wider, and I got the Jetta back in without further problems. And Cathy never even said "I told you so," which she had.
Never did get the high winds, they stayed south. It's just sunny and pretty now, and the snow's falling off the trees. No school, of course, they're still plowing, and Cathy's working from home. I'm still writing the book, just taking a break.


  1. Wow. We have nothing up here. And I mean nothing. Bare dead grass. You are taking one for the team as long as the team is eastern Ontario. Just think of how high the corn will be this summer. Poor man's fertilizer is what they call snow out east in the Maritimes. Bet that makes you feel much better.

  2. Today was a great day shoveling out the street with all of the neighbors, with a mag of '77 port (Smith Woodhouse)stuck in the snow for all the neighbors to sip! YUM! Cheers! -F. Scott

  3. Well, damn, no one in our neighborhood had anything like that! I mean, I would have, but no one was shoveling while we were out there at 8:00. I told Cathy we should have waited...
