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Monday, April 5, 2010

Time for a change

As I put out the garbage this morning, I heard the honking of geese overhead. I thought, I have always been more moved by the southward flight of geese than by their springtime return. I don't know why. Fall and winter are my favorite times of year. I loved the deep, snowy winter we just had, and spring annoys me. Maybe it's as simple as the allergies I get in the spring -- miserable time for me -- maybe it's because I've always been a fat booger and warmer weather means no more bulky clothing camouflage. I don't know. But the thought makes me wonder about exploring new directions. It's a time of rebirth. My eyes and my mind are open.


  1. Lew, enjoy your rebirth. First, get better some better springtime drugs, like Allagra. I have been taking them for almost 10 more weeping eyes, sneezing or stuffed head. And I see a life-style change in your future. If I did it, you can do it!

  2. I too have benefited from Allegra (fexofenadine hydrochloride), but it is ineffective on seasonal ennui.

  3. There's always Broadway musicals. Just ask Bob.

  4. Sunner Koelsch is exported!? Really? for the 4 months I stayed in Cologne the only time I ever saw Sunner Kolsch was in really, really, local Lokals the ones with more eletronic slot machines than customers or in vending machines at the train station. Huh go figure, how much were they charging for a draft?

  5. jp is referring to a tweet I posted from Brauhaus Schmitz (follow me on Twitter: LewBryson): they had Sunner Kölsch on draft. Doug said he'd just got it in, don't know who the importer is, and I don't know how much it costs: he bought me that one. (I did buy all my other drinks last night!)

  6. Change? Geese? You suggesting Goose Island should discontinue some of their best beers?

    Oh, wait...
