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Monday, May 31, 2010

Any Confessions?

By the way, I was just wondering...does anyone want to confess to being the anonymous tipster who sicced the BLCE on Memphis Taproom, Resurrection Ale House, and Local 44? Because if you were to man up and admit it, I'd have a smidgen of respect for you, even at this late date. If you don't, and it comes out later, I'll happily lead the charge to spread your responsibility far and wide.

I will not be taking any Anonymous comments on this post, by the way.


  1. You bring the pitch forks and torches, I'll bring the beer. (registered of course).

  2. Whatever makes you think that this clam reads your blog or befriended you on Facebook?

  3. I thought the internet already convicted someone of this offense?

  4. I'm just looking for confession. I doubt I'll get it, but I wanted to ask.

  5. Just as soon not say -- I don't need a libel/slander suit, no matter how ill-founded -- and I won't publish any comments that do.

  6. C'mon Lew, who do you think you're kidding? This is like any neighbor who calls the cops on a loud group instead of approaching them on their own and asking them to quiet down.

    One is done from a position of insecurity, while the other comes from a position of confidence and familiarity. why would you expect ANY strength from these a**holes?

  7. That's my whole point, Sam.

    I loved Philly Brewing's reaction to the suggestion that it might have been someone from there: we're from Kensington, if we had a problem with them, we'd have said it to their face.

  8. Well, with no one stepping up to own up to it one deduction is that it is a ghost, a spirit that did it, maybe someone angry about one of their businesses failing. Dont know if there are any ghosts like that around these parts...
