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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

If You're an Über Beer Geek...better not read this: it could prove fatal

For those of you who just absolutely pee your pants when presented with amazing hyped-up beer geek news... 

I just got word that The Bruery and Cigar City Brewing are doing a collaboration beer, Marrón Acidifié: "An Imperial Oud Bruin developed from a mutual love of classic Belgian technique blended with modern American ingenuity.  Spending over a year in barrels, both bourbon and wine, has left this dark sour ale layered with notes of cranberries, tropical fruits, leather and aged balsamic vinegar, balanced by wood tannins and roasted malt."

Now...tongue out of cheek? This is likely to rock. But I had to have some fun. 


  1. No one is sure when it's coming out yet or the distribution on it. There's also a rumor that The Bruery is then aging some of it in a different way to distribute to its Reserve Members.

  2. sounds nasty. I'll pass

  3. "notes of cranberries, tropical fruits, leather and aged balsamic vinegar, balanced by wood tannins and roasted malt" is this a Viticulture blog?

  4. I like the concept of collaboration beers, but the end results rarely meet expectations.

  5. You know, honestly?

    I can't be sure whether this is real or a spoof satire. This actually LOOKS like something written to spoof the whole "new extreme collaboration beer you have to try RIGHT THIS SECOND before it disappears....." syndrome

  6. ADM IV, I absolutely agree. If this trend hasn't run its course already, it will soon.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled beer.

  7. Oh, and hey Al, please spell your last name correctly!

  8. As if to underscore the truth of this post, today posted that the version of this beer aged with dates and guava will be named ISO:FT. Anyone who's ever been on the trading forums should chuckle at least a little.

  9. whoops sorry I was trying to make it sound more Belgian

  10. Ha! Good one, you old (and I do mean OLD) Italian!
