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Monday, August 29, 2011

Sam Calagione's dominant media presence...

Hey, I'm back from vacation (a little bit more on that soon...but not a lot) and one of the first things I came across* was that Sam Calagione did a Skype interview on MSNBC during Irene's run at the east coast; apparently they sent the employees home, but millions of yeasts' lives 'hung in the balance...' Classic Sam. If I had a link, I'd post it.

Then I got to a state full of corporate headquarters, financial companies, and huge chemical and pharmaceutical corporations, MSNBC interviewed Sam Calagione, head of a still relatively small brewery. Why? I'd like to float a proposition: I believe Sam Calagione is the dominant media personality from the state of Delaware -- excepting Joe Biden, who's kind of transcended the state since attaining the vice-presidency -- as evidenced by his status as one of the top unofficial spokespeople for the craft beer industry, a great media interview, and his grinning good looks. Any serious argument on that? And does anyone think that's not good for craft beer in general? I sure as hell think it's a great thing!

*Thanks to regular reader (and designer of the Session Beer Project logo) Steven Herberger!


  1. I wouldn't disagree entirely but I think the primary reason he was chosen is that he is the owner of a major Delaware enterprise which was right smack in the anticipated line of Irene, not because of any perceived dominance. Funny, I saw the interview live and was going to blog about it but never got around to it.

  2. True, he is that, but I suspect an equally valid reason they picked him is because he's an amusing, fearless interviewee who will say what's on his mind.

  3. "...he's an amusing, fearless interviewee who will say what's on his mind."

    H'oh boy -- which means he's not too far from the exit that will lead him down that road to... politics!


  4. "...I think the primary reason he was chosen is that he is the owner of a major Delaware enterprise which was right smack in the anticipated line of Irene"

    Obviously location played a major role. However, the guy has quite the personality and he is pretty entertaining. I don't think you can go wrong with that combination. From what I have seen and read, he seems like a fun guy to be around. I've never met him personally, but I'd like to.
