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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Half Acre Gossamer

Just finished lunch: a bowl of soup I made using CSA late fall harvest (kohlrabi, cabbage, celeriac, hot pepper, turnips, can of diced tomatoes, plenty of spices), crusty dense wheat bread, smoked cheese, and a 16 oz. can of 4.2% Gossamer, from Half Acre Beer Company. (Thanks to regular reader (and buddy!) Steve Herberger for the trade; I sent him 'Gansett Fest and Sixpoints.)

First time I've had Half Acre in a while, and this was clean, crisply bitter, and refreshing. Great with the soup; flavorful enough to stand up to the celeriac earthiness, not so bitter as to twist the flavors. I could go another couple rounds with this one happily...but I gotta start warming up to sing tonight. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Lew -- glad you liked the Gossamer. As I told you previously, I've never tried that particular HA beer... but I'm interested to hear your take on the Daisy Cutter. I have the feeling that might "stand up to celeriac earthiness" and knock it into the street!

    Really enjoying the Sixpoint beers, a brewery that was never on my radar, but I'm liking their freshness and different flavor balances. And yeah, the 'Gansett Fest is a surprising treat!
