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Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Little Housekeeping

I've had complaints recently about the "Captcha" verification for comments, so I've turned it off. If I get a ton of spam to deal with...I may have to turn it back on. Just letting you know.


  1. CAPTCHAs seem to have gotten significantly harder. At least to my old eyes. All the easy ones are done and now we are doing the poorest quality stuff. It's good but bad.

  2. I agree, Pete. I don't mind the idea, but some of these are just impossible.
    You know, though...I'm getting spam already!

  3. As I said on twitter, you don't have one on the Session Project. It may be an issue of popularity as far as the quantity of spam though.

  4. That's odd, Rich, because according to my Blogger Dashboard, the same moderating/captcha requirements should be in place on all my blogs. I dunno.

  5. "...because according to my Blogger Dashboard, the same moderating/captcha requirements should be in place on all my blogs."

    I just commented at SBP and while I had to log into my Google account and received the Your comment will be visible after approval. message, I didn't have to translate weird code-words.

    Ooohhmm. Sending out SPAM-blocking karma.


  6. Oh, I am definitely going to continue to moderate; there are some serious whackjobs out there still, and I do have my standards.

  7. Doesn't Google have different capchas to choose from? Or other methods, like "click the highest number" or "what's 1+1?" questions? It seems weird that their only capcha option is one that's illegible.

  8. If they do, they're not offering them on Blogger. Wish they did...but I can't argue with the hosting price (as someone just reminded me on Facebook).

  9. Serious Whackjobs would be a great beer name......
