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Friday, June 15, 2012

And Another Brewer Leaves Philadelphia

My Lord, was the end of Philly Beer Week the starting gun for the brewer exodus in Philadelphia? Hot on the heels of the announcement below about Michael Fava, I get the news that Colin Farrell and Jack McCracken are leaving/have left Tired Hands...and not ten minutes later I learn from Terry Hawbaker that he's leaving Farmer's Cabinet.
I'm going to work for Al at Pizza Boy (Al's of Hampden, outside Harrisburg) in August so I should have beer ready for September. I'm very excited to hit the ground running at Al's... we've already received a new 10 bbl. fermenter just for a souring tank, so look for more Berliners and Gose soon. As you know I enjoy my crazy, weird and wild brews but I'm really digging the thought of brewing a wide range of beer again! 

So there you have it. Who the hell is next?


  1. Well, Dock Street had a brewer wanted ad on facebook, but it's gone now. hmmmm

  2. The head brewer at Earth is heading to Tired Hands. I can't imagine quality will suffer.

  3. My working theory, based on this report/survey, is that you guys aren't drinking fast enough:

  4. Geez... What's a guy gotta do to get one of these open positions??? There are many homebrewers that are begging for a chance to learn on a production level!!

  5. Easy: volunteer to wash kegs. Offer to help bottle. Show up.

    That's the advice I've given to a number of homebrewers, and three of them are now brewers. That's what you gotta do.

  6. DIdn't the folks at Farmers Cabinet appear to have some financial issues in the not-too-distant past? I recall they closed another place or two. Wonder if that has something to do with TH's move. Otherwise, it would seem odd to leave for such a small operation as Al's. Unless Al's has found a way to oust the beauty salon next door to expand.

  7. They left Tired Hands within a week of opening the place? Hmmmmm.... WTF?

  8. Anon, word around the burg is al has bought a bigger unit and has another site to put it in.

  9. Well Lew ~ Here is another...John Rehm is leaving us in July and heading back to his home state of Connecticut to brew.

  10. Word on the FB is that Justin Quinlan is leaving Dock Street, moving to Seattle.

  11. When it rains it pours!

  12. Odd about the Tired hands guys. They helped build the place, and are leaving right after opening? I saw Colin there just a week ago too (thurs the 14th).

    My sister's there now, gonna see who she recognized from our first visit a couple weeks ago... colin was a real cool guy too, enjoyed him as my bartender the few times I was there
