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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Maxim on Beer: shocking

Big story of the day: Maxim published something dumb about beer, and the guys on BeerAdvocate are pissed.

Guys...this is like El Niño. Every year the major men's magazines write something about craft beer. It is almost always stupid, and some are dumber than others. This is a dumb one. This ain't news, and it's not worth getting waxed up about. Craft continues to do well. We're winning. We can relax.


  1. Gotta say, they threw a curve with Harbin -- never heard of it.

  2. You linked to both, and I followed both links. I'm a sucker for lists and controversy. Mission accomplished for Maxim, I guess.

  3. I'm not least one of The Lion's beers made it in.

    Well, OK, I'll bitch a little about Chimay's "pilsner".

  4. Yeah, Eric, I thought about not linking to Maxim...but then I weakened. Didja see the jiggling boobies? Class act.

  5. It's beer, the advocates take themselves way too seriously. You have to feel sorry for some of those folks, life is too short.

    Now about those jiggling boobies, where is that link again....

  6. Went & read the Maxim, ah, "article." First time I've ever read anything in Maxim. Probably my last, too. They should stick to writing articles about women without tan lines.
