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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama to Congress: Drinks, my place, tonight; we'll talk

President Obama continues to bring an adult attitude about drinking to the public eye. According to the New York Post, he invited 24 Senators and Representatives -- from both parties -- to the White House for cocktails tonight. They're going to have a few drinks and talk about the stimulus package.

That's great, I love a chief executive who isn't afraid to openly say "come over for a few drinks," but the very best part is that all the pictures accompanying the story at the Post and in the blog post about it at The Huffington Post show Obama drinking... BEER! Ha ha! Suck it, wine people.

Oh, my. Fun to relax at the end of the day.


  1. This from beeradvocate:
    A vote for Obama is a vote for beer drinking.

  2. THis is getting childish

  3. JP, it was meant to be silly. Check the tags. Had a long day today, just letting off a little steam.

    Although I am a little serious about it being refreshing to see a president issue an invitation for Congress to come over for drinks.

  4. It's apparently a new journalism rule (if you call Wonkette journalism): you cant mention the president's invite with showing him with a beer in his hand...

  5. It is a little nice to see quality beer Pictures at a high level.
    Makes me feel good.
    Let go of your childish things

  6. I know Lew I saw the tags and far be it from me to not encrouage silliness on your blog. But why wineheads and hopheads and boozehounds come together against our common enemy: the PLCB. I mean can't we all just get a long?

  7. But we do get along. All three of me!

  8. Suck it wine people?

    Not exactly neighborly, is it?


  9. Why do I always have to be the nice guy?

    [clears throat] Attention, wine drinkers of the world. When I said, "Suck it, wine people," please understand that I was only speaking in jest. I completely recognize that we are all in this together, us against the forces of neo-prohibitionism, and that we should work shoulder to shoulder against the return of Dryness. But our chief weapon against the New Drys is our sense of humor and enjoyment of life, er, sorry, our two weapons are humor and enjoyment of life. And facts -- our three chief weapons against the New Drys are humor, enjoyment of life, and facts...and an almost fanatical devotion to fine drink -- our four chief weapons... No. Amongst our weaponry, are such diverse elements as humor, enjoyment of life, facts, an almost fanatical devotion to fine drink, and some truly nice glassware...

  10. You sure you're not running for senate still?

  11. Otto,

    For now, my options are open and I'm keeping an eye out for another opportunity like New York. Maybe I could offer my name as a compromise in the Minnesota imbroglio: Minnesotans like their beer.

    When I write my stump speech for my campaign as The Senator From Beer, I'll run it by you first!

  12. "...our four chief weapons..."

    What is your favorite color anyway? :-)

    You don't have to be the nice guy Lew, I just had to laugh when I saw SUCK IT as part of your dissertation. I just think wine drinkers (or at least our stereotypes of us, uh - them) would pay more attention to something along the lines of: Friends of the vine, kindly take that.

