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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer Stock returns!

That's right, folks: I got six sample bottles of Stegmaier Summer Stock Lager in a big old box yesterday. I've been waiting to see that one for a while. I've got two bottles in the fridge chilling now. Keep your fingers crossed. (And yes, it does come in sixtels. Hello, backyard barbeque.)


  1. I am anxious to hear your thoughts on this one

  2. I had one last night. Though the first edition a couple years back never made it to my market and I have no point of reference, this one is pretty good. Nice sweet malt that changes lanes with a touch of hops throughout the experience. I'll be interested to hear how it compares to the original release.

    Not hoppy enough to be called a pils in my book, but a good summer quencher. Better as a session beer than the Schell's pils, which I like a lot, but find just a bit too dry to keep quaffing ad infinitum.

  3. In two months the stuff will be in most distributors back of the store wall of shame or in front of the store in the buy one get five free cases display...Roar,roar the mighty Lion has created something quite ordinary,please do not invite me to your barbeque...

  4. You simpleton. Whatever would you do if I set Blogger not to accept Anonymous posts?

  5. Charles StegmaierMay 21, 2010 at 8:55 AM

    Hear ye simpleton: lest you wait henceforth for an invitation, I strongly doubt any gentleman of good fortune would extend forth a solicitation to a festive barbeque to an unmitigated and unsophisticated rube like yourself.

    Flee from this site, back to your pernicious and lonely world of mock beer sophistication and intellectualization, alcoholism and self-important delusions of grandeur.

  6. what is with these people? Lion brewery brings plenty of great beer at competitive prices how about supporting the home team anon?

  7. So how was it? The Ahtanum hop addition is intriguing enough for me to want to give it a whirl at least.

    Also, not hoppy enough for a German Pils? Aren't some German Pils typically less hoppier than others?

    Any was it?

  8. Who said anything about German pils?

  9. Says "Summer Stock Pils // German-style" on the label, Sam.

  10. Damn if it doesn't.

  11. Last time I had a case of Summer Stock it was well welcomed by everyone (micro + macro) who consumed it on a 4th of July weekend @ the Shore. Look forward to buying it again this summer.

  12. Right there just validated my fight to be more descriptive with our naming/labeling scheme, at least as far as listing the true beer style on the label goes. Thanks Lew!

  13. Have now gone through case one, into case two, and this is my go-to beer for the rest of 2010. The same sort of karma as Deschutes Twilight, only with an East Coast bent. Thanks, Lion, for an absolute stunner!

  14. Must be nice, Sam K. I've been in distributors in both the Harrisburg and Reading areas and have found NONE of the new Steg beers. Wonder why?
