Look. If you have never been to McGillin's, well, what's wrong with you? They do a nice selection of craft beer -- a hell of a lot of Miller Lite, too, but who cares? -- and a lot of it local, they have a great bartending staff, and they make a delish roast beef sammich. I grabbed an 11 AM beer there the day of the Phillies World Series parade, it's a cool place. AND...I'll be doing a reading from Pennsylvania Breweries there on Tuesday August 11 at 6 PM. It's a short reading, mostly we'll be talking McGillin's, Philly beer, PA beer...and anything else you want. No cover, $2 pints of McGillin's 1860 IPA. Hey, what more do you want?
So if you can't make it tonight, make it a date with me next week. Happy anniversary!
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