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Friday, March 30, 2007

Joe Sixpack salutes The Dude

Philly beer writer and colleague Don Russell has a real nice salute in his Joe Sixpack column today to Scott "The Dude" Morrison, one of the area's best, and kindest, brewers. If you can get to Sly Fox tonight for The Dude In Exile, I would urge you to do so. And drink my share: my daughter's school musical is tonight, so I'll be there in spirit only. Hope Scott finds a position in the area real soon...tip to any breweries looking for a dedicated brewing star!

Joe Sixpack A tip of the pint to Scott 'The Dude' Morrison Daily News 03/30/2007


Loren said...

"His celebrity was all the more remarkable because McKenzie's is an otherwise run-of-the-mill suburban restaurant - y'know, frozen daquiri happy hours and fried mozzarella."


Good piece on the nicest guy around.

He will wet his brewing boots again soon...don't ever doubt it.


Harry Spade said...

It's kind of sad that the only thing I ever hear about McKenzie's is that they terminated a beloved employee. But if it's true that there's no such thing as bad publicity, then I guess it will even out in the end.