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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pike Auld Acquaintance

The game goes on: still 16-14, though McNabb is ripping off an exciting series of mid-length passes and marching up the field. So time for another beer, something also PNW but completely different: Pike Auld Acquaintance Hoppy Holiday Ale.

Let me get right to the payoff first: I wish more spiced ales were like this. PAA is not overspiced at all, and comes across as a delicious Chrismas cookie. I had something like this New Year's Eve: Cathy and I dropped by Triumph in New Hope where I had a glass of Oatmeal Cookie Stout. Same kind of sweet, gently spicy mouth-fillingness...but where the Triumph OCS was dark and had a hint of chocolate to it, the PAA takes that and somehow slices off the back half of it and bolts an IPA on there...well, at 5%, maybe more like a pale ale.

What's good? The sweetness is not overpowering, the spices -- orange, nutmeg, cinnamon -- are not overwhelming, and the alcohol is not overwhelming. Oh, thank you, Pike: a holiday beer that isn't too heavy, or too spicy, or too strong, or too boring. I'm ready to drink this whole bomber. It's like cookies without the crumbs.


Anonymous said...

Usually I would never considering drinking anything even remotely similar to spiced ale, but after reading your description, I kind of want to try that ale.

Lew Bryson said...

I generally feel the same way, but this was an exception. Quite nice, and drinkable even with dinner, a pork loin stewed with onions.

erictrimmer said...

Love the label.