By the way, about the beer at the brunch I'm doing before the
Jenkintown Brewfest... I assume you all know what the Erdinger Oktoberfest Weizen is like by now -- if you
don't... -- but the
Long Trail Brewmaster Series Coffee Stout is relatively new and rare, so here's the deal. It's an imperial stout (on the lighter side, 8.0%) with coffee added, a special roast by a roastery local to Long Trail.
If you've had Long Trail beers before...well, it depends on the Long Trail beer you've had. Some of them can be kind of bland. Some of them can be flippin' awesome, and I put Double Bag solidly in that category. You'll have to categorize the Coffee stout yourself, but I don't think you'll be putting it in the bland bag.
ironically, this evening i cracked open their double ipa, it was fair at best, lew. for a double ipa, it was very light in flavor. we had the coffee stout in the parking lot of the phillies season opener this year. i have to say, we were all very impressed with it !
Haven't had the Double IPA. Glad you liked the Coffee Stout. Like I said...some of them rock, some, well, not so.
I thought the LT coffee stout was very nice. Picked up a bomber in CT back in Feb. before it hit the PA market.
Double Bag is a great double alt. I'll second that.
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