"Craft Beer. Done Lite."
I got 'em. They're going in the fridge. Miller Lite Amber, Wheat, and Blonde Ale. They're in test markets in Baltimore, Charlotte, Minneapolis, and San Diego now. All 4.2% ABV, all 110 calories per 12 oz. bottle, all 6.2 grams of carbohydrates...for those of you who are counting.
"Real craft beer taste and true light beer refreshment." Well... we'll see.
Interesting concept.
What's next? Stella light? ;)
Can't help myself, I'm very skeptical. When is the Clear Wheat due on the shelves?
Can't help myself, I'm very skeptical.
Me too. Hope that came across in the post. We'll see.
Wonder if the barrel-aged version will be at "Night of the Barrels" Friday for Beer Advocate's Extreme Beer Fest.
Better you than me, brother.
Well, while it concerns and amuses me that somehow they got the same carb/calorie/abv counts on three separate beverages... if we think of them less as "Lite" beers and more as potential session beers, maybe they'll be ok. I'd love a 4% easy drinker.
Does seem kinda odd to have the numbers that close, doesn't it? But your hope is mine as well; it would be nice to have something to drink with a bit more abandon. Note to American craft brewers: please give us more options with great flavor and less alcohol!
Same stats for each beer? bet no one will be able to tell difference between blonde and Miller lite. Come on di they really thing these will fly. Even AB's attempts at craft beer are at least creative. These aren't
"Even AB's attempts at craft beer are at least creative."
Well, given that both Bud Light and Miller Lite outsell Bud and Coors Light comes next on the sales list, I'd guess that this is less an attempt at craft beer and more an attempt to expand the light beer category even further. Getting light beer drinkers to trade up, as it were, and get more money from them.
Yeah, Bill. Getting light beer drinkers to trade up -- to anything -- is the hot trend in mainstream beer right now. Heineken Premium Light is leading the way, and I suspect that's really what Bud Select was about.
I tried the Amber at the Minneapolis Food & Wine Experience. It still tastes like a lite beer, but not quite as much lack of flavor.
I trid all three at a bar sampling.... still taste "light" but with WAAAY more flavor then any other light beer out there I've tried. The Blonde Ale (despite the name) is actually the most flavorful... a distinct hoppy note unlike any light beer I've drank. this almost (ALMOST) tastes like it could be a full-calorie beer. The Amber was pleasant but super light, as was the Wheat (I'm not a what bear fan, but this was not as sweet as most). Do yourself a favor and try the Blonde before they stop making it. I just bought a 6-pack for myself!
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