That said, I do have two new Philly Beer Week events to tell you about.
Monday, March 10th, I'll be hosting an event we're calling "That's Not Belgian!" at the delightful Chick's Cafe. As alert readers know, I only discovered Chick's recently, and loved it. I was there doing recon for this event idea. Chick's has built a beer list different from any in this beer-happy city, and a central feature of it is a core of French, Italian, and Spanish beers, from breweries that are quite Belgianesque in their disregard for traditional brewing...but are not exactly Belgian, either. We're going to pair an array of these non-Belgian beers with food from their respective homelands for a beer dinner that should be like few Philly or anywhere else has ever seen. 6:30 PM, Price TBD.
Wednesday, March 12th will see me headed west, putting the "it's not just Philly" aspect of Philly Beer Week into action: "Philly Area Beer: Yeah, We've Got That. Join nationally-known beer writer Lew Bryson and local beer scene guru, BrewLounge.com's Bryan Kolesar, at one of the hottest new beer bars in the area, TJ's Everyday in Paoli, for a wild waltz through the breadth of beer produced by local brewers. Want Belgian? Got it. German? Jawohl! British? Certainly, dear boy. American craft innovation? Yo,we're all over that. Bryson and Kolesar will lead you through the local harvest with details, suggestions, and brewery stories, while TJ's kitchen supports it all with a grand presentation of their famed cuisine a la biere. 6:30 PM, pay as you go beer and a $25 six-course tasting menu."
(That's what's going up on the PBW website: TJ's Jeff Miller released the beerlist: General Lafayette Red Velvet, General Lafayette Churchill's Mild, Victory Hop Wallop, Victory Prima Pils, Riverhorse Double Wit, Troegs Mad Elf, Stoudt’s Smooth Hoperator, Stoudt's Brewer's Reserve (TBA), Yard’s Love Stout, Flying Fish Love Fish, Legacy Fantasy Ale, Sly Fox Gang Aft Agley Scotch Ale, Sly Fox IPA Project (TBA), Weyerbacher Merry Monks, Dogfish Head Raison D’Etre, Monk’s Café Flemish Sour, Lancaster Brewing (TBA), Erie Misery Bay IPA. Not bad...)
And Uncle Jack has confirmed what Triumph brewer Jay Misson hinted at in a comment here: that the Philly Beer Week Real Ale Fest is taking place, but due to site problems, Yards and Triumph will be hosting it together at Triumph Old city, on Sunday March 16th, from 1 to 4 PM. Just in time for you to stroll over there from my PA Beer Brunch at Fork, about a block and a half away.
Incidentally, that Beer Yard calendar UJ's put together is pretty slick; slicker than the PBW site's. Check it out.
I'm getting excited for PBW, for certain, but I'm curious. Are most of these events things for which tickets are required, or do you just show up and expect the crowds? I definitely don't wanna miss the boat on some of these things...
Some are ticketed, some are not. My events are pay as you go, except as noted here: the Tria Stout/Porter session on March 8th, the Grey Lodge Game Dinner on March 9th, the Chick's Cafe event on March 10th, and the Fork brunch on the 16th. Similarly, pretty much all the Monk's Cafe events are ticketed, and you'd be advised to get moving on them; they're going to sell out. There are LOTS of pay as you go events, and some large ticketed fests. Check the Beer Yard calendar link or the phillybeerweek.org site; they'll have that info.
Great news about TJ's! Cool, Jeff got in with this year's Sly Fox IPA project draft releases...glad to hear that!! With TJ's and the Lodge getting them this year there is no need for me to get to Sly Fox brewery until the December event [driving through VF park after midnight on the way back to the Blue Rt., and trying to stay at 30 miles mph, while looking out for sneaky deer and cops has become too much pressure for me...I cave! lol]
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