Once I got home, I immediately carved the jack o'lantern (which I almost always do on Hallowe'en; it's fresher that way). The big one was a different kind of pumpkin, a very tough shell, so I got the damned Sawzall out and man, did the squash ever fly!
I was fairly pleased with the results, and got some compliments from the neighbors:

Not to take away from your creation in the daytime, but it looks exceptional illuminated in the dark.
Well, they're actually both in the dark; the one on the left was with flash, so you could see what you were seeing! I liked the way the flash let the candle illumination glow on the inside of the pumpkins, but I really liked the way the small one looked in the dark.
Me like. Good job.
Of course, if you want to put a little more effort into it, look at:
Huh. Amateur. This one doesn't even have a candle. It ain't a jack o'lantern if it don't light up!
Does your wife know that you are both in your stocking feet? How do you get away with it? My wife would KILL me!
Oh, God, I know, I actually thought about not putting the picture up: "Shit, Cathy's gonna see the stockings." I don't know how she didn't notice at the time -- she took the picture -- I guess it was because she was so nervous about us using the saw...
But I do know what you're talking about. Glad she didn't see the dog licking up the pumpkin bits...
"But I do know what you're talking about. Glad she didn't see the dog licking up the pumpkin bits..."
Sounds like something she'd find out later...
I know what you're thinking, but there were no ill effects. Thank God.
I didn't call you a p***y and I don't really care how you carve your pumpkin, but I don't partake to threats being made towards Black people ESPECIALLY if you don't know who wrote the insulting remark. You look like a nice older gentleman that just got rubbed the wrong way and with Barack being voted in and you possibly voting for the other guy, I will assume that you just misspoke. But, just in case you didn't and you aren't a nice, gentleman, please know that you are not the only big, bad man on the planet. Thank you for reading this, Sir, and I hope you don't go around offending anymore African-Americans.
Cool..Nice job. I saw a "Pro"
carving Pumpkins at a Contest,
using a small recipricating saw.
I gotta give that a try next year.
Anyway, I think you were very
creative. (Far-Side, PhillY R&R)
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